Tuesday, February 21, 2012

American Girl we went

Our trip to American Girl was a huge success. If you haven't gone I would reccomend you go. I can not even begin to describe the emotions that I had while there. Derald even enjoyed himself. Alicen got the wheel chair. Now she has the Build A Bear and American Girl wheel chair.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

New line

O.K. I am going to try to update here so you can keep up with the progress of Alicen. At this tiem there has been no improvement. Right this minute they are putting in a new Arterial Line. Her blood pressure keeps increasing and with this new line they will be able to monitor the blood pressure better than just with a cuff. Her blood sugars are elevated and so is her temperature and her heart rate. Right now they have her at 53% oxygen which really isn't so bad, basically that is a pretty good number considering al of the stuff that is wron.

Alicen really needs your prayers right now. Dr. Mander says that she is in Critical Condition and she is definately not out of the woods. They are watching her closeley in hopes that she will not require an oscillating ventilator. that is a bad thing. This big machine sitting next to her bed that constatnly shakes her to make her lungs keep from deflating. Right now she is on Nitrous Oxide, this is supposed to relax the blood vessels to her lungs and help her breath a little on her own, but wight now it isn't working because the ventilator is doing all of the work for her.

Trouble at home too, our dryer went out and the furnace has stopped. What else???????????

Thank you for all of your prayers, we definately feel them. The other day I was standing next to Alicen's bed and Derald told me to get out of the way I was like why?? And he told me that the angels are surrounding Alicen and he didn't want me to be in the way. I told him that the Angels would move me and they did. They are working overtime right now and I am so thankful.

Love you all, Christina

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

shes a teacher now..................

Well, it is sort a official, my little bit is a teacher now. Ms. Barbara AKA the real teacher, must move over a little. Alicen is voicing her opinion quite nicely now and she is ready to be the teacher. Sorry Ms. Barbara, you must be the assistant from this point on. Alicen brings home her communication book every day in her back pack and I have to make a decision as to what I want to see first as I come into the door after work. Usually Alicen wins the game but I LOVE to look at the book. Ms. Barbara always has so many neat things to tell me about Little dirl. I know how special Alicen is for sure, but it does my heart really good to hear it from other people.

Bunco was supposed to be tonight but we have changed it to next week due to Lisa being out of town. We are currently down a person and need to find a new player. Audrey got a job and now she can't play with us. It is only 1 night a month and dues are 5.00. We have loads of fun, lots of yummy food and you get to win prizes if your lucky....

Until next time, Christina

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Little girl is in the Hospital again. We took her to Sarah Buch Lincoln in Mattoon on Monday. After looking at her X-rays they gave us the option of keeping her there or sending her to St. John's in Springfield, the Children's hospital there/ We chose to have her sent to Springfield because they know her so well there and that is where all her specialists are. One good thing is that this time around she is not as bad as it has been or as bad as it could be. The tests all showed that there was no pneumonia but they were concerned that if it is aspiration pneumonia it would take longer to show up that the "regular" type of pneumonia. So I feel a little better knowing that she doesn't have pneumonia, there has been talk of bronchitis but we can handle that. The thing with her is when she needs to cough, she will only cough just enough to clear her throat just a little bit and the "junk" just stays there and will eventually get nto her lungs. So now we just wait it out. She is loving the attention she is getting from all the nurses, they just love her there. But then again, who doesn't. Bless her heart. They have an organization kind of like the Linus Blankets, but this one makes pillow cases for the kids. Yesterday she got a beautiful Strawberry Shortcake pillow case. All really bright colors, orange, red , lime green, pink and purple. Looks just like little girl.

Will try to keep ya posted on her progress.

Love you all, Me

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The laugh out loud giggle.......

Well, she finally did it. My 5 year old finally laughed out loud. This morning I was getting ready for work and like always she was being her nosy self and Daddy was tickling her and she laughed this really loud laugh. We have only heard that a couple of times. Such sweet sweet music to my ears. Literally made my day.

Tonight Hell's Kitchen starts. I think I am in love with Gordon Ramsey. Although I am glad they bleep out the cuss words. I love that show. I myself would run away crying if someone talked to me that way but that's o.k.

We are super busy at work right now with Cooling going on right now. That is why I haven't posted much lately, forgive me.

More later. Christina

Monday, June 29, 2009

Keep away from the tube

So I found out this past Friday that I am not supposed to touch Alicen's feeding tube at all, except for feeding and medication. I was instructed way back when the initial insertion took place that I was to make sure that there was ALWAYS 5mls of water in the button inside the tube. Unbeknownst to me, this is why we make so many mad dashes over to the ER at St. John's Hospital. Evidently when you deflate the balloon to check the amount of water and then put the water back in to the balloon it tends to over inflate sometimes because there is not way of knowing whether or not you actually withdrew all of the water. Sort of like our bodies, when we lose weight and regain and lose weight and regain and lose weight our skin tends to get a little floppy and lose this is what Alicen's little balloon does. And it isn't strong anymore. BUT luckily we have never had it totally fall all the way our because if that ever happens I am under the impression that the hole will start growing back in less than an hour. I even have a catheter at home in case her tube does fall all the way out. Anyway, we were in the ER for about 7 hours. Alicen just entertained all the nureses and the doctors, but Mommy and Daddy were not happy. I spilled a brand new can of SHASTA soda all over the floor. Serves them right for serving Shasta when all over the whole hospital they sell Diet Pepsi and we all know of my addiction to my Diet Pepsi. I mean really what's up with the Shasta stuff already. I'm just saying.

We were fashionably late yesterday for church. Actually we would have been on time but Beau just had to have his weekly Vanilla Iced Coffee. Anyway, the sermon was on loving the Lord with all you mind with all you soul with all you strength and with all your might. I hear that song almost daily on the way to work on WBGL radio. I love my drive to work, I use this time to think and to talk to my God. I usually sing along with the songs on the radio, it is a good thing that God thinks it is a joyful noise, bceause I am sure that I would scare someone. I don't sing in the shower because Derald laughs at me and it startles little girl.

Speaking of little girl, she is officially growing out of Size 6 diapers. I really can't wait until July 1 so that Kid Care will kick in because she will qualify for free diapers, mattress pads, booster absorbancy pads, and I will get the plastic gloves. I will have to order size 7 from now on. I was kinda worried because they don't sell 7 in the retail stores around her usually just up to 6 is all. Anyway, though the state because of Alicen's disabilities, she qualifies for this assistance totally free. What a blessing. There has really been some good come out of Derald getting laid off huh.

Well, I must get back to work, if that is what you call it. I must try to find something to do. Will do more in my scrapbook room tonight, I even have Derald interested in what I am doing back there. He is always asking if there is something I need moved or hung up or something like that. He is soo good to me I definatly do not deserve him at tal.

More later, Christina

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

67 inches long

So I called home this morning to see how little britches was doing and Daddy told me that she is acting like she was 67 inches long. She sure is changing. Totally makes my ife complete. I love it when I come home at night and she smiles this great big smile. I great big heart my sweety.

tonight is Bunco at Nancy's. I really hope I will win something. It is always fun to get together with family and friends.

this weekend Derald and Roger are going racing so it will just be me and little girl. It has been a while since I had her all to myself. I think we may do some crafting, just me and her. She may get to try come finger painting at home. She has done it at school but never at home.

My mom is doing really well. She is getting more active each day. I remember 2 Sundays ago, she called me crying that she could not get up out of her chair. When I left her house the night before I locked the door behind me and I didn't have a key to get into the house so she had to call Uncle Jim and hehad to come over and get her up. If she sits too long in one position her muscles really hurt. But it is getting easier on her. Heck this past Sunday she got ready all by herself and even drove herself to church on her own. Go Mom.

Have a great night. Wish me luck tonight at Bunco.

Turkeys momma